The government’s appointment of a committee
as an alternative to Navi Pillai’s committee is an infringement by the government of its own policy of opposing outside mediation, says the government affiliate JHU a well known anti Tamil racist party in a statement.The statement by its media spokesman Nishantha Sri Warnasinghe says his party has neither been informed nor consulted as a UPFA partner regarding the appointment of the committee. Warning the country about this committee, the JHU says it strongly objects to its appointment.
It notes the LLRC established to counter the Darusman report had boomeranged on the Sri Lankan government, and the new committee would similarly rebound on the government and the military killing of more than 40,000 Tamil Civilians in May 2009.
Foreign or outside representatives or experts are unnecessary, and an investigation could take place within a local legal and judicial mechanism, says the JHU. It is believed that local investigations can keep the Tamil community silent due to fear of being killed by its undercover Army. No one in Sri Lanka believes the findings of the local investigations as they are normally a cover up of the governments wrong activities and its racists policies on the minority.
It calls on all patriotic organizations and Sinhala peoples to remain vigilant and not to allow a betrayal of the heroic soldiers who had acted to defeat terrorism. The Sri Lankan forces are accused of killing more than 40,000 Tamil Civilians in Month of May 2009 alone and it is accused of killing of more than 1000 LTTE Leaders and their family members who surrendered with White Flag after UN Officials negotiated a surrender between LTTE and Sri Lankan forces. The President and his brother are accused of War Crime in Sri Lanka. The killing of Minority Tamils by the Sri Lankan forces were supported by Pakistan, China and Russia.
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