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10 Tips From Beauty Experts

1. Take care of your makeup brush
The good makeup brushes should last a lifetime. If your brush might seem a bad case, you here how to keep your makeup brush and make it in the best way, according to experts in the magazine “fashion”. First, don’t leave your makeup brush makeup on them for too long, it may cause permanent damage to the capillaries, according to beauty expert and make-up Fiona Stiles. You washed regularly using shampoo or a mild dish detergent. To dry, place the brush flat on the paper towel, “says Jake Bailey makeup and beauty:” If you put your brush straight into the Cup, it can leak water into the base of the brush and it rots the brush. ”

2. Do not repeat your make-up and add touches of simple improvement it

There is no need to remove and reapply makeup after midday on your makeup. “To remove the effects of fatty acids on the skin and revitalizing makeup your face, spray gentle toner skin lightly on your face, then gently pat your face with a tissue,” said the owner of a beauty salon and beauty expert Eva skrivo for Marie Claire. And then put a simple twist of face powder gentle to touch soft and velvety.

3. Avoid costly tkoshiralgsm process

Does the body scrub in spa beauty beyond your budget? You can easily get silky soft texture and easily in your home using homemade product of peeling skin and it mix 1 serving of olive oil with the amount of servings of sugar or salt, then add a few drops of essential oil (try using lavender oil or oil of grapefruit). And gently massage the arms and legs before bathing, and then ashtavihm using warm water.

4. Prepare your lips before lipstick

To get the lips smooth and free from cracks and peels are the essential first step when you apply lipstick, but here I need to buy a special lip Exfoliator, beauty expert, said von Zheng magazine is the know it all “as a special, consisting of: a mixture of equal parts of olive oil and brown sugar, and vanilla extract. And then massage this mixture gently on the lips and then remove it by tissue paper for use on facial skin. And then proceed as usual using routine your lipstick.

5. Add a warm touch of bronzing cream your Foundation

You don’t need to have my cock an arsenal of cosmetics creams baseline skin bag your beautification, according to expert makeup Brett Friedman. As stated for the magazine “very simple” when summer comes and the Foundation appears you are using a very mild winter, you can add a cozy touch creme Foundation to add a little gel bronze. this method is easier and cheaper than buying a new Foundation. ”

6. Not friends nor intercessors will benefit in a cosmetic powder

When you put make-up on a hot day, don’t put plastic down the powder on your face during your makeup, beauty expert adds Lisa O’Connor in her advice to the magazine “beauty full” here: “you will end up making your face appear it was topped with layers of cosmetics. wait until makeup and add a touch of skin moisturizer and put the final touch on the makeup cosmetic powder powder before your out of the House.”

7. Make any kind of lipstick you put him long

To reduce your need to put finishing touches on red lips revisionism, “real simple” magazine recommends you put accents cosmetic powder for banned paper folded and then press gently between your lips to modify the quantity of lipstick on the shaftiki in addition, this trick also helps maintain the color of the lipstick stained teeth.

8. Mastering draw cat eye

To get his expert eyes makeup you can put them on your own at home without any help from makeup and makeup, makeup expert and trick class beauty Julian Kay also told the magazine “know it all”, “all you need is paper, or business card, or paper towel and seal eye makeup they not want me my contact or business card paper or paper towel in the corner diagonally up to eye her users as a way to create the perfect cat eye graphic using your eyeliner.

9. Get low cost artificial lashes

The false eyelashes that you beauty salon is a natural appearance and enhanced eye look charming and attractive. But you also get the same result without having to take an appointment at the Salon she-Khemara ahnert-the beauty salon and beauty expert magazine “Marie Claire”-you can simply use intensive mascara and taboo to it: “take your mascara wand, pack them in a tube of mascara and then drain, and clear mascara brush several times to remove the excess product, and then apply them to your lashes.

10. At the end of the day, petroleum jelly is the best makeup remover

Said Laura Geller beauty expert and author of a cosmetic product line known for the beauty of the magazine “women’s day” they use vaseline to remove makeup her eyes. A tradition of her mother ‘s, which was also used petroleum jelly as a moisturizer for hands. She added: “all you need to do is to put the paper in a forbidden Vaseline and you wipe your face full of smears down the face and you will find that makeup your face has been removed.”
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