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Month 10 Myths About Diabetes

Issued the British Association of diabetes
a list of the most important misinformation about diabetes, and considered as myths and illusions are circulating widely among diabetics. It is important to know the facts about diabetes to control the situation.

There is a lot of information available but not all true. It is often difficult to identify the correct error. This information sheet aims to help eliminate the most common myths about diabetes-let’s look at some of them.

First myth: type 2 diabetes is a mild form of diabetes
There is something called the disease of diabetes. All serious diabetes and if not controlled well can lead to serious complications.

Second myth: people with diabetes can’t eat sugar
Diabetes does not mean that it must follow a diet without sugar. People with diabetes should follow a healthy, balanced diet-a little fat, salt and sugar. And should continue to enjoy a wide range of foods, including those that contain some sugar.

Fable 3: people with diabetes should eat foods for diabetics only
Usually placed scientists “Diabetes” on candy, Biscuit and similar foods that are rich in fat and especially saturated fat and calories. Diabetes associations does not recommend to eat for diabetes, including diabetic chocolate, they still affect blood glucose levels, and they are expensive and can cause diarrhea. If you want to eat delicious food at one point, should deal with real food

Myth 4: in the end become diabetic blindness!
Although diabetes is a leading cause of blindness in working-age population in the United Kingdom, the research proved the possibility to reduce the risk of diabetes complications such as damage to the eyes-if:
• Control blood pressure and glucose levels and blood fat
• Regular physical activity
• Maintaining ideal body weight
• Quit smoking

Myth 5: safe driving is if I have diabetes!
As long as you behave as a responsible person and a good diabetes control, you can do most tasks safely. Research suggests that people with diabetes are not less safe than others with regard to driving in the streets. However, some continue to believe the myth that people with diabetes are not safe, and the world of diabetes associations campaigning against legislation preventing diabetes patients treated with insulin from driving cars.

Myth 6: you can’t exercise diabetes sports!
Encourages diabetics to exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. Can help keep exercise in reducing the risk of complications associated with diabetes, such as heart disease. As an example, has made Steve Redgrave (Steve Redgrave), Olympic gold medalist in rowing, sports achievements are remarkable, although his diabetes. But there may be some points that require consideration before beginning a new exercise regime. And this needs to talk with your doctor or health care team patient.

Myth 7: there is a greater likelihood of infecting patients with colds and other diseases than others!
Error. There is a greater risk of diabetes, flu or any other illness, but recommends that people with diabetes receive the influenza vaccine. The reason for this is the effect of any injury or disease of the blood glucose level, diabetes is at risk from high levels of glucose in the blood, and people with type I diabetes increased the risk of DKA.

Myth 8: diabetes means your not knowing about certain functions!
Should not prevent you from diabetes get a job and keep it. But despite having a disability discrimination Act however, diabetes still face a complete ban in certain aspects of employment, including the armed forces.

Myth 9: can not eat grapes or diabetics mango or banana!
Sometimes people believe that if you have diabetes if you can’t eat grapes and bananas that taste sweet. But if you follow a diet that includes fruits, you can still achieve good control of blood glucose level. In fact the grapes and bananas are all fruits too like health. The fruits are rich in fiber and low in fat and rich in vitamins walamalh. It also helps protect against heart disease and cancer and stomach problems.

Myth 10: people with diabetes can’t cut their toenails!
Error, apply the General advice from the cut toe. If you have diabetes, you should maintain the health of your nails by cutting the end of the toe. But not tkosha in a straight line to view the nail, do not tkosha in the form of a curve on the sides, or tkosha to be very minor. Remember that the task is the protection of the toe nails. And security cut your nails beksafh nails and use file manicure nail corners response. If you take care of your nails, should request the assistance of a physician.

It is important to realize that there is much misinformation about diabetes, you must ensure all at once when you get information from a trusted source, through health care physicians or specialists in Endocrinology and diabetes, or through medical societies.
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