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Abdominal Sounds Are Normal Or Disease Must Be Cured

Abdominal sounds are issued or what is known
as the bowel sounds bowel movement during payment. Since the intestines hollow, can hear an echo of bowel sounds inside the abdomen, as is the case with the sounds that we hear from water pipes.

It should be noted that most bowel sounds harmless, and simply means that gut work well. The doctor can check bowel sounds by listening to the abdomen with a stethoscope.

Although most normal bowel sounds, there are some cases where abnormal bowel sounds, which helps provide valuable information about the health of the body.

Where is alalos disease (intestinal obstruction), a disease where the patient is suffering from a lack of bowel activity. And may cause many cases of disease alalos disease. It is important to assess the situation of the gases, liquids, and intestinal contents can accumulate and rupture of the stomach wall. It should be noted that the doctor in this case may not be able to hear any sounds when listening to the bowel, abdominal movement.

The idle and low movement and bowel sounds reduced height, and regular bowel sounds emanating from the abdomen. A reference to the slow bowel activity.

The low notes and the lack of movement and bowel sounds normal during sleep, and after eating some drugs or after stomach surgery. The lack or absence of the voices, usually refers to the incidence of constipation.
Either increase the activity and bowel sounds can sometimes be heard even without the stethoscope. And increased bowel sounds an increase in activity of the stomach. This may happen when diarrhoea, after eating.
Usually stomach sounds are evaluated along with a number of symptoms that include:

  • Gases
  • Nausea
  • Presence or absence of bowel movement
  • Vomit
If there is excessive or inadequate in the voices of the stomach, the patient’s suffering at the same time other abnormal symptoms, it is important to continue to monitor his health condition with your health care provider.
For example, the absence of any sound from the gut, after a period of hyper activity and bowel sounds can mean intestinal rupture or explosion and the death of intestinal tissue (necrosis and death of tissue).
While bowel sounds can be high, an early indication of bowel obstruction.

Common causes
Most of the sounds that we hear from the intestines and the stomach are the voices arising naturally from the digestive process does not warrant concern. It also caused a lot of sickness in the stomach increases or lack of votes. The vast majority are harmless, and does not require treatment.

The following is a list of some serious medical conditions that may cause abnormal bowel sounds.
Diseases caused by infection, lack, lack of movement or bowel sounds:
  • Clogged blood vessels prevent the intestines from the blood flow. For example, blood clots can cause occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery.
  • Mechanical or functional obstruction occurs due to hernia, tumor, adhesions, or similar medical conditions can cause bowel obstruction.
The paralytic alalos (blockage of the bowel), one of the problems related to an imbalance in the intestinal nerves.
The lack of activity can occur as a result of infection by intestinal nerves
  • Clogged blood vessels
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Chemical imbalance like hypokalemia
  • Infection
  • Expansion and hyperinflation in the intestine
  • Receive shock or a direct hit
Other reasons for the lack of movement and bowel sounds:
  • Drugs that reduce and minimize bowel movement such as opiates (including codeine), drugs llkolin phenothiazines.
  • General anesthesia
  • Radiation to the abdomen
  • Spinal/spinal anesthesia (anesthesia)
  • Abdominal surgery
Other reasons for the increased mobility and bowel sounds
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Diarrhea
  • Food allergy
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Infectious enteritis
  • Ulcerative colitis
Contact your health care provider if any of the following symptoms:
  • Bleeding from the rectum
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea or constipation for long periods
  • Vomit
What to expect when you visit your healthcare provider?
The doctor will check out my body to you, will you have some questions about your patients. They can ask you:
  • Other symptoms that may suffer
  • Your note any abdominal pain
  • Your note for diarrhoea
  • Your note for constipation
  • Your note for flatulence
  • Your note for too much or not having any gas (wind)
  • Your note to any bleeding, or stool black
Based on the results of physical examination, the doctor may request additional testing. These tests may include:
  • CT abdomen
  • Abdominal x-ray
  • Blood tests
  • Endoscopic (laparoscopy for the stomach and intestines)
If there is any indication that an emergency situation, the patient will be sent to the hospital. A tube is placed inside the patient’s mouth or nose into the stomach or small intestine. This procedure helps to empty the contents of the intestines. Usually, the patient is not allowed to drink or eat anything so comfortable. The body will be fed fluids intravenously.

Your doctor may prescribe a drug to relieve the symptoms and address the cause of the problem. It should be noted that the drug is selected based on the quality problem. Some patients may also need to perform emergency surgery.
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