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When We Resort To The Inner Upper Endoscopy

This helps your doctor to examine endoscopy
lining the upper part of your digestive system by using a thin flexible tube with a lens and a light in his introduction, enters the stomach through the esophagus.

Why is upper endoscopy?
Usually for patients with upper abdominal pain, symptoms of nausea, vomiting or difficulty swallowing or upper GI tract bleeding.

It is considered better than x-ray to examine infections or ulcers or tumours, which can detect cancer early and to differentiate between types by taking a biopsy (a small sample of tissue).

What are the preparations
• Must be completely empty stomach (refrain from eating any food or liquids before 8 hours prior to colonoscopy).

• In the case of a dwelling or a medicine to help you relax you will need to stay in the Endoscopy Unit about two hours after endoscopic and preferred to bring facilities to drive after a colonoscopy.

What to expect during upper endoscopy?
• Your doctor will give you a local warning in the throat before endoscopy and give you medication to a vein to help you relax during endoscopy. Introduces colonoscopy through mouth to gut updated status on your side and not in your breathing during the Arthroscopic examination.

• You can resume your diet after you leave the Hospital (about 3 hours after endoscopic operation).

• Your doctor will tell you the results of the colonoscopy on the same day of the vote to reverse the results of transbronchial biopsies that takes several days.

What are the possible complications of upper endoscopy?

Upper endoscopy (stomach and esophagus and Speculum) and rare complications, if you started after the endoscopy any symptoms such as fever or difficulty swallowing or increasing your sore throat or chest or abdomen you should review emergency department. 
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